The sixth report of the Taxonomic Sub-Committee of the BOU Records Committee (TSC) has been published in Ibis (Sangster et al 2009). The report refers to numerous molecular studies which have provided a clearer picture of the phylogenetic relationships among the passerines. Consequently their sequence has been revised, 'determined on the principle that, for each branching point in the best-supported phylogeny, the less-speciose group should be listed first' (Sangster et al 2009). The IRBC adopts these recommendations in full and the list order of passerines on the Irish List is amended accordingly. The report should be consulted for the full exposition of the TSC's decisions.

The fourth report of the Taxonomic Sub-Committee of the BOU Records Committee (TSC) was published in Ibis in 2007 (Sangster et al 2007). The report contained recommendations which were incorporated to the Irish List at that time. In addition it referred to genetic and morphological studies of the relationship between Flamingoes (Phoenicopteriformes) and Grebes (Podicipediformes). These indicate they form a sister-group (Mirandornithes) which should be positioned between the Storks and their allies (Ciconiiformes) and the diurnal Raptors (Falconiformes). The IRBC now adopts this recommendation and re-positions the Grebes in the Irish List. The report should be consulted for the full exposition of the TSC's decisions.

A PDF version of the latest Irish List may be downloaded here.


Sangster, G., Collinson, J.M., Knox, A.G., Parkin, D.T. & Svensson, L. 2009. Taxonomic recommendations for British birds: Sixth report. Ibis 152: 180-186.

Sangster, G., Collinson, J.M., Knox, A.G., Parkin, D.T. & Svensson, L. 2007. Taxonomic recommendations for British birds: Fourth report. Ibis 149: 853-857.

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